
Tuesday, 20 February 2018

What if This Road

Andrew Wyeth, "Loden Coat"

What if This Road

What if this road, that has held no surprises
these many years, decided not to go
home after all; what if it could turn
left or right with no more ado
than a kite-tail? What if its tarry skin
were like a long, supple bolt of cloth,
that is shaken and rolled out, and takes
a new shape from the contours beneath?
And if it chose to lay itself down
in a new way; around a blind corner,
across hills you must climb without knowing
what’s on the other side; who would not hanker
to be going, at all risks? Who wants to know
a story’s end, or where a road will go?

Sheenagh Pugh

“What if?” But it isn’t really a question as much as an inevitability. The road will change. It will take us to unexpected places. It will not look like we remembered. Sometimes we will feel lost. And even if right now the road is as it has been for a long, long time, it might suddenly change, and that’s unsettling. The way this poem takes that sense of uncertainty, of helplessness even (a kite-tail?), and makes it into a challenge – “ Who would not hanker to be going, at all risks?” -  is such a clever turn-around. If only we always had this strength of mind, to see beyond the changing topography, to the thread that runs beneath. To turn our fear into wonder, our agitation to excitement, knowing that the thread will always lead us home.

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